How Your HVAC System Can Reduce Asthma Symptoms

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 25 million Americans suffer from asthma. The high humidity levels in Port St. Lucie, Florida, can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Your home environment also plays a role in the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Here’s how to optimize your HVAC system to help reduce asthma symptoms:

Use a Filtration System

Standard HVAC filters are not the most effective filters for people with allergies or asthma. Consider using a filter with a higher MERV rating.

HEPA filters are also great at trapping even the smallest particles. The Trane CleanEffects filtration system removes up to 99.98 percent of airborne pollutants. As a result, it improves indoor air quality and reduces your risk of experiencing asthma symptoms.

Install UV Lamps

UV lamps can drastically improve your home’s air quality. With the high humidity levels in Port St. Lucie, biological growth can easily accumulate in your HVAC system. This gets into the ducts and makes its way out through the vents. Installing a UV lamp near the coils effectively kills any biological growth on the coils.

Add a Humidifier

Humidity is a trigger for asthma because it creates a breeding ground for dust mites. Consider adding a whole-home dehumidifier to your HVAC system to help remove excess moisture from the air. Not only does this keep your home healthy but also eases the burden on your air conditioning system. As a result, it can reduce your energy costs and the risk of a breakdown.

Improve Ventilation

Allergy and asthma sufferers tend to seal their home more securely to prevent pollen and other allergens from entering. However, your home still needs ventilation to rid it of trapped pollutants and bring in fresh air. Trane FreshEffects ventilators remove stale indoor air and circulate fresh preconditioned air, reducing odors, gases and chemical vapors.

If you’d like to improve your home’s air quality, call Miller’s Central Air, Inc. at (772) 209-3778 to schedule an indoor air quality inspection. We also offer duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning services to help keep the air in your home clean.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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